"Addicted For Now" by Krista & Becca Ritchie is a compelling tale of addiction, love, and redemption, following the turbulent journey of two characters, Lily Calloway and Loren Hale, as...
"Before We Say Goodbye" continues the enchanting journey through a small, mystical café where patrons can travel back in time, provided they follow a unique set of rules. The novel...
In "Confess," Colleen Hoover delves into the intricacies of love, art, and the power of confession. Set against the backdrop of a mysterious art gallery, the story follows the intertwining...
"Dubdaha" by Asim Bakashi is a captivating novel that delves into the intricacies of human emotions, relationships, and societal norms. The story weaves through the lives of its characters, exploring...
"If He Had Been With Me" by Laura Nowlin is a poignant contemporary romance novel that delves deep into the complexities of friendship, love, and loss. Set in a small...
In "Reminders Of Him," Colleen Hoover masterfully crafts a poignant narrative exploring the intricacies of love, loss, and the enduring power of memories. Set against the backdrop of a small...